Head & Heart Evo Devo-Lab
PI: Janine M. Ziermann-Canabarro

My research focuses on muscle evolution and development in vertebrates, in particular muscles derived from the cardiopharyngeal field. The cardiopharyngeal field is simplified a mesodermal progenitor field that gives rise to head and heart musculature. Both, head and heart development are dependent on neural crest cells which are called cranial and cardiac neural crest cells, respectively. However, when and how becomes the influence of neural crest cells relevant for the proper differentiation of cardiopharyngeal mesoderm derivatives?
Available projects: contact me &/or see projects described here: Members
Evolution and Development of Cephalic (head, neck) and Cardiac (heart) Musculature in Vertebrates
The development of craniofacial and cardiac musculature is closely related to each other. Comparing the development and morphology of diverse vertebrates with each other conserved and variable characters can be observed, which gives us insights into developmental mechanisms and the evolution of those characters.

Figure by Julia Molnar
Cardiopharyngeal syndromes
The head and heart musculature derives from a common progenitor field, called the cardiopharyngeal field. Any disturbance during development of this field can course craniofacial and cardiac anomalies. Many human syndromes include both head and heart anomalies and are potential cardiopharyngeal syndromes.

Foto by Dameel Edwards
Human Anatomy, Variations, Development, and Pathology
The human anatomy is fascinating and each human has enough variations in its normal morphology that it makes him/her unique. Understanding the difference between normal variations and pathological changes is important for many health care related professions (e.g., surgery, occupational therapy, physical therapy).

Drawing by Janet Frankovic
GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS)
Using Three Dimensional Printed Models in Embryology Education
PI – Victor Taylor II, Co-Investigators: Rosalyn Jurjus, Janine M. Ziermann
$ 6,500
1/2019 -12/2019
Office of Faculty Development at Howard University
Travel Award to attend Anatomage Table User Group Meeting 2018; San Jose, CA
Role: Attendee
$ 2,500
7/20 – 7/21, 2018
College of Medicine Research Award (CoMRAD), University of Saskatchewan, CAN
A newly discovered role for physical contacts among head muscles and bones during healthy musculoskeletal development and growth
PI - Julia Boughner, Co-Investigators: Rui Diogo, Janine M. Ziermann, Diego Rasskin-Gutman
$ 8,435
2017 RCMI Research Readiness Contest (awarded May 11, 2017)
Travel Opportunity for a Professional Development Conference/Training
Role: Participant at NIH BioTech 55: Engineering with CRISPR, TALENs, & ZFNs -. NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
$ 1,500
7/31 – 8/4, 2017
BFPSAP (Application for the Bridge Funds and Pilot Study Awards Program) Howard University (U100217)
How tissue interactions can (or cannot) get you your heart's desire: Role of neural crest cells for development of head and heart muscles
Role: PI
$ 25,000
Faculty Start-Up Package, Howard University College of Medicine (U400035)
Comparative Chordate Embryology and Implications for Human Health
PI - Rui Diogo; Role: Postdoctoral researcher
NCB Naturalis call 'ultra-high-throughput sequencing 2010' (PS2010.07)
Role: PI, Co-investigators: J. W. Arntzen (Naturalis, Leiden, Netherlands), M. K. Richardson (IBL, IZ, Leiden, Netherlands), B. Wielstra (Naturalis, Leiden, Netherlands)
€ 12,400
NWO-ALW (ALW817.02.027)
Developmental mechanisms of body plan evolution in a morphocline of salamanders
PI - M. K. Richardson; Role: Postdoctoral researcher
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (OL 134/2-4)
Cranial muscle development and evolution in anuran larvae
PI – Lennart Olsson; Role: PhD student